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AUCTION #: 3881
AUCTION #: 3925
NOTE: Selling a nice lineup to settle the C.H. Clark Estate. For questions call Doug at (970) 371-3699.
Lunch will be available on site. Please plan to attend!
AUCTION #: 4310
Auction Note and Terms: The cars will be sold to the highest bidder with no reserve. The cars will be sold in as is condition no warranties implied or expressed. Terms: Cash, a 15% buyers premium will be in effect for this sale.
AUCTION #: 4175
NOTE: Kersey area farmers have put together a good lineup of tractors, farm equipment and tools. All in excellent condition! Lunch will be available on site. Please plan to attend!
AUCTION #: 4192
AUCTION #: 4230
NOTE: A fantastic lineup! Mike is retiring and downsizing. All items are clean and have been shedded. When attending the auction please do not park on the grass, stay on the asphalt, thank you. For questions call Mike at (970) 227-4427. Lunch will be available on site. Please plan to attend!
AUCTION #: 4173
Auction Schedule: Toys, Antiques, tools, and misc. will sell first. Tractors/Vehicles will sell at 4pm sharp, followed by implements and any remaining misc. items. Online bidding is available for Tractors/Vehicles only.
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